Established in 1985 by a group of Madison County area churches, the Christian Counseling Center provides professional outpatient counseling services to families and individuals within an ecumenical context which recognizes, respects, and encourages Christian belief and lifestyle. At some point in life everyone will face times of personal crisis in which their world becomes chaotic and they face important choices and challenges. A compassionate caring counselor frequently can be of significant help in the quest for understanding and emotional wholeness. All persons are served regardless of race, sex, or religious affiliation. We are housed in offices provided by Park Place Church of God in Anderson, Indiana, and our satellite office, Middletown Church of the Nazarene in Middletown, Indiana.
“The purposes of a man's heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out.”- Proverbs 20:5 NIV
How Do I Begin?
Getting Started: All counseling is by scheduled appointment. Call the Christian Counseling Center at 765-643-6017 to schedule an initial consultation interview. You will receive more information about the counseling process and may be asked background information about yourself to plan possible next steps. A referral may be made to one of our Consulting Therapists, or you may choose to contact one of these persons directly for an appointment.